In this section:
At Whitwick St John the Baptist, Science is about questioning, investigating, and discovering. We believe that, for primary children, Science should be practical and investigative and promote the need for caring and sensitive attitudes towards all living things and their surroundings.
Our Science curriculum is based on the outcomes set out in the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Science. We have developed our own scheme of work for Science, which matches the programme of study for each year group. We have developed this scheme of work, as we believe it supports our vision, values and whole school drivers and ensures the subject is taught systematically and progressively.
At Whitwick St John the Baptist, Science gives children the opportunity to pursue their natural curiosity by exploring and investigating the world around them.
Our pupils develop their scientific skills through hands-on, inquiry based learning which enables the children to raise questions and devise fair-test investigations to answer them.
Pupils are encouraged to ask questions, share ideas, try new things, make mistakes and try again. Through this process, the children are able to reflect on their learning and develop key skills that will equip them for the ever-changing world in which they live.
Mrs Hanley
Mrs Hanley ensures that all the aspects of the Science Curriculum is taught and implemented effectively.
If you would like to find out more about our Science curriculum please contact Mrs Hanley.
KS1 (Year 1 & 2) – lots of fun interactive activities
KS2 (Years 3-6) – lots of fun interactive activities
Explorify - you will need to set up an account but can do so as a home learner (free) but there is lots of activities that are regularly updated.
NASA Kids’ Club - provides a plethora of space focused games, videos, images and activities to introduce and help kids learn about the world of space.
Nat Geo Kids - enables Science lovers to explore the world of science through a collection of apps, games, magazines, toys, videos, and many other materials.
Mrs Noon (Headteacher)
Whitwick St John the Baptist
Parsonwood Hill
LE67 5AT
Tel: 01530 832116
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