In this section:
At Whitwick St John the Baptist, we fully recognise the contribution we can make to protect children and support pupils in school. We aim to safeguard and promote our pupils’ welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate. The pupils’ welfare is of paramount importance
A copy of our Safeguarding Policy can be found in the policies section here.
All of the staff at Whitwick St John have a role to play in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
If you need to contact the school's safeguarding leads during the school day, please contact via the school office Monday - Friday between 8:30 - 15:30 and ask to speak to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads.
Outside of school hours, should you require any advice or support with safeguarding or you have significant concerns about a child’s safety, please refer to the Leicestershire County Council safeguarding website.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
Helen Noon - Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs)
Lee Swales - Deputy Headteacher
Samantha Fuller - Special Education Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator
Debbie Prime - Pastoral Manager & Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
Sally-Ann Price - Pre-School Manager
Rebecca Steadman - Breakfast & After School Club Manager
The roles and responsibilities for the Safeguarding Leads are set out in the 'Keeping children safe in education' document.
We are an Operation Encompass School, this means that if the police are called to a household where a child at our school resides and domestic abuse has occured, we will be notified, regardless if the child was present at the time. This allows us to provide support for the child as soon as they arrive at school.
At Whitwick St John the Baptist, we fully support the Government's 'Prevent Strategy', and take guidance from the Government's 'The prevent duty document'. Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism is built into our main safeguarding policy.
All staff receive annual training around the 'Prevent Strategy' which includes Channel. Channel focuses on providing support at an early stage to people who are identified as being vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. You can find further information on 'Channel' here.
Members of the public are able to access advice and trusted resources to safeguard children from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values on the Government website 'Educate Against Hate'.
It is vital that if we are ever worried about a child or our own children that we reach out for support.
Suggested Websites
CEOP - Are you worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? Make a report to one of CEOP's Child Protection Advisors
NHS - Change for Life - Mental well-being tips for parents
NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe - Support and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children’s mental health to staying safe online, support for parents and what to do if you’re worried about a child.
Young Minds - Worried about a child or young person's behaviour or mental health? You're not alone.
Educate Against Hate - Government advice and trusted resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.
UK Safer Internet Centre - The UK Safer Internet Centre, where you can find online safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.
Thinkuknow - Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline.
Mrs Noon (Headteacher)
Whitwick St John the Baptist
Parsonwood Hill
LE67 5AT
Tel: 01530 832116
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