In this section:
Our curriculum is underpinned by our whole school vision ‘Grow, Achieve, Bloom, Repeat’
'...Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.' Matthew 13 1-23
Our whole schools drivers of Communication, Community and Culture, Ambition and Opportunities and Confident Individuals are used to make decisions about our curriculum which ensure it is relevant to our children.
As a maintained primary school, we teach the National Curriculum. This covers English, Maths, Science, Computing, Religious Education, History, Geography, Music, Physical Education, Art, Design & Technology and Foreign Languages. We follow the statutory guidance for PSHE.
For many of our subjects, we have opted to follow a published scheme. This ensures the subject is planned progressively and systematically and teachers are supported to deliver high quality teaching which enables positive outcomes. Published schemes have been carefully chosen to ensure that they support the school’s vision, values and whole school drivers.
For those subjects that are not supported by a published scheme, we have sought expert advice at the design stage to ensure the curriculum is fit for purpose and relevant to our pupils.
By using our vision, values and whole school drivers to inform the decisions made when designing the curriculum, we ensure that spiritual, moral, social and cultural development; opportunities to develop cultural capital; and their understanding of British Values, are threads that run through all areas of school life.
To enhance our curriculum further, we strategically plan whole school themed weeks such as Enterprise Week, History Week, Aspirations and Dreams Week, Science Week, Art Week and Health and Well-Being Week.
To find out more about each individual year group's curriculum content, please visit their year group page.
Mr McMillan
Mr McMillan, alongside the subject leaders, ensures that all the aspects of the National Curriculum content are identified and taught.
Mr McMillan oversees the monitoring from subject leaders which includes reviewing long term and medium term plans for all subjects to ensure that pupils’ learning becomes increasingly more challenging as they move through the year groups, and to maintain an overview of standards within the different subjects.
Mr McMillan produces an annual action plan for the overall curriculum; signposts staff towards training and resources; and engages in developmental work and research projects with external colleagues.
Mrs Noon (Headteacher)
Whitwick St John the Baptist
Parsonwood Hill
LE67 5AT
Tel: 01530 832116
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